Gas Chromatography
Performance characteristics
Resolving Power: 100,000 @ m/z 272
Mass Range: 30 to 3,000 m/z
Scan Rate: Up to 18 Hz at resolution
setting of 12,500 @ m/z 272
Mass Accuracy: Internal: <1 ppm RMS
External: <3 ppm RMS
Dynamic Range: >10 6
Dynamic Range: >5000:1
Multiplexity: Up to 10 precursors/scan
Data system
• High-performance PC with Intel ® microprocessor
• High-resolution LCD color monitor
• Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 operating system
• Thermo Scientific ™ Xcalibur ™ instrument control and
data processing software
• Workflow-based method editor
• Thermo Scientific ™ TraceFinder ™ software for
quantitation, targeted screening, and high resolution
spectral deconvolution with accurate mass library
search and retention index scoring
• NIST spectral library included
• Thermo Scientific ™ Orbitrap ™ GC-MS Contaminants
Library (Option)
• Thermo Scientific ™ Orbitrap ™ GC-MS HRAM
Metabolomics Library